We provide various kind of loan to our member & customers.
We provides various type of loan to the service holders Like Home Loan , Personal Loan, Car Loan.
We provides loan to the unemployed youth for their self-employment through S.V.S.K.P, K.V.I.B (V) etc.
We provide S.M.S facility to our members & customers for every transaction.
Payment of Govt. programme like IGNOAPS, PM Abbas, PM Kishan, Krishak Bandhu, various kind of Scholership, Seeds Subsidy etc. is given to the local people.
Teachers & Govt. Employees take their salary through this society. Every loan is insured through GMRA scheme by L.I.C.
The money of the depositors is totally insured.
The Society has 18000 no’s of depositor who can deposit their money in the form of savings, recurring, fixed, cash certificates etc. in the society.
The Society has N.E.F.T & R.T.G.S & D.B.T facility through its own I.F.S.C , under Purulia Central Cooperative Bank Ltd.