- There are 225 S.H.G’S comprising of almost 2100 local women at this Society.
- The groups deposit their collection at the society regularly.
- The Society gives loan to the groups for development of their business activity.
- The society organised various training programe (Awareness, skill development etc.)for the SHG’S with the help of NABARD, state govt. (Dept. of Co-Operation) etc.
- The Society makes proper arrangement for selling the products of SHG’S.
- Many groups of the society participate at various Govt. fair.
- The SHG’s of the society are insured under “AAM ADMI BIMA YOJONA” through LICI.
- There are 4 (Four) no’s staff available at the society for guiding those SHG’s.
- Varous Kind of SHG Loan issue for local women of SHG for growup .